Sunday, August 21, 2022

I really hate myself

 I do. I hate myself.  I put my foot in my mouth all the time.  I offend people.  I just do dumb things.  I'm sure it's not bad enough for people to actually talk about it out loud when I'm not there but I'm pretty sure many people I interact with reflect on our interaction and roll their eyes or laugh.  

The worst part is that I'm 90% sure this is depression.  I'm 90% sure that this is crazy.  But not 100%, so I entertain and feed and fan that 10%.  It's almost an audible thing.  I know I talk to myself out loud all the time (all the time - I catch myself doing it and I see other catch me doing it).  Lately I wonder if I'm arguing with myself out loud.  I think I am sometimes.

I just feel like I'm fucking up every little thing I ever touch.  I'm SUCKING at prepping for class.  I'm SUCKING at managing Thing 3's spending problem.  I'm SUCKING at having compassion for Thing 3.  I just want to watch netflix and chill, but totally serious.  Just do nothing.  Watch TV, play bee swarm simulator, do nothing, talk to no one.  I feel like a complete imposter when it comes to anti-racism.  Now I'm branching out and ruining things in my trans ally world.  

I am dying to yell this to everyone, like with a bullhorn on the street corner.  I don't want anyone to blow smoke up my ass, try to convince me I'm not horrible.  I just want people to say "Damn.  That feel fucking sucks.  I'm sorry you feel that way.  That's the worst feeling."  But I'm trying so hard to look like I have my shit together.  I feel like Lloyd Braun.  I can't say anything because then people will know that I'm actually just faking it.  So I keep faking it and not saying anything to anyone.